Ozaki Teppanyaki
Ozaki Teppanyaki restaurant is known for its delicious sushi, meals, and first-class service. A diverse selection of tasty sushi and teppanyaki dishes is prepared from fresh ingredients right before the customers’ eyes.
A buffet is also available both on weekdays and weekends. The buffet includes salad, sushi, teppanyaki, hot dishes, coffee and tea.
Opening hours
Mon–Fri 10:30 AM–9:00 PM
Sat 12:00 PM–9:00 PM
Sun 12:00 PM–8:00 PM
10:30 AM–3 PM (15.50 €)
3 PM–8 PM (22.90 €)
Sat 12 PM–8 PM (24.90 €)
Sun 12 PM–7 PM (24.90 €)
Contact information
Tel. +358 44 989 32 14

Find Ozaki Teppanyaki
Ozaki Teppanyaki is located at the central square of Sampokeskus.